Evolution: Neuron
Importance: 10
Confidence: 10
Lobe: HyperBrain
What is this HyperBrain, anyway?
The HyperBrain is exactly what it says. It is a "brain that is over, above, and beyond."
Everything in the HyperBrain organizes itself like a brain, which you will find out as you poke around and explore the site.
This is a website where the curious, sacred, profane, mysterious, conspiratorial, the stuff that haunts you, the stuff that delights all mingle together.
Nothing is off limits.
It's devoted to those of you in this world who are seeking knowledge of things that lurk just above, or just below, what is seen.
There's no agenda here.
Yes, I will put my own take and spin on things, and I'll tell you when I do.
If there's a subject matter that is speculative, I'll tell you. But I will explore it with a completely open mind and leave no stone unturned to find information that would illuminate its understanding.
This is a life-long project. That is to say, I will be adding to HyperBrain for my whole life - and, I hope, others contribute for posterity as well.
It is updated daily. And it is a living site. Much like a digital garden [1]. The notes on this site will be tended to, and will have statuses (discussed more below) that will give you, the reader, an idea of how evolved it is.
In each page and for each subject, I will provide sources for your further research, if and when needed.
How HyperBrain is organized.
You will notice that on top of most every note on this site will have the following:
Tags, Evolution, Importance, Confidence, Lobe
Here's what those mean:
Tags are simply high-level concepts or subjects that can easily group or categorize a subject or note. For example, a page about 19th Century Adventure Fiction will have a tag of "adventurefiction". If there's a page about 20th century adventure fiction, then it will also share that tag.
Evolution is the state that the particular page or article is in. Here is what the states of evolution you will find on HyperBrain mean:
- Spark
- Sparks are thoughts barely started. Maybe jotted down on haste or simply showing only the brief amount of what I thought about it by far. Like a draft. They may evolve into one note or many notes.
- Neuron
- Neurons have a substantial amount of content, but much work to be done. Coherence and patterns are just emerging in it.
- Brain
- Brains are grown up coherent piece of thought/essay/expression that should not change much except for some editorial enhancements.
- Nucleus
- A nucleus is a note that allows to navigate easily. These can include sorted notes like Importance. These will be dynamically updated as pages are published. You can find them under the Nuclei folder on the left sidebar.
- Lobes
- These are general areas of categories. There can be 1 or more Lobes on any brain. These can include:
- Conspiracy
- Lore
- Past
- Present
- Future
- Research
- Biography
- Event
- News
- Book
- Satire
- Mystery
- HyperBrain (this is an internal category)
- These are general areas of categories. There can be 1 or more Lobes on any brain. These can include:
- Gray Matter
- Gray Matter are notes exported/extracted from other mediums (e.g. Reading highlight and notes). Growth is irrelevant for these notes. They can include:
- Website links
- Forum posts
- Wiki entries
- Books
- Journals or scholarly articles
- Podcast episodes
- Gray Matter are notes exported/extracted from other mediums (e.g. Reading highlight and notes). Growth is irrelevant for these notes. They can include:
Importance is a numerical score I will give a page. It is subjective, but will give you an idea of how important I think the content is within that page.
Confidence is another numerical score that I will give a page. I base it somewhat on the system that Gwern uses [2] on his well-known site. In essence, the confidence score is an "epistemic state" - or, in plain English, how likely the ideas on that page are true or not. Like I said, I will explore everything, and just because something is a low score does not mean it's 100% untrue. That's also the case for the opposite - high Confidence scores do not mean something is 100% factual and beyond reproach.
Lobes are kind of like Tags, but will be more pared down categories that pages can fit in. They are discussed above, as you probably read.
Sources will be provided if and when I think necessary.
How can I stay in touch?
If you'd like to contribute to HyperBrain, or if you have other questions, comments, or concerns, please get in touch at bardo@hyperbrain.space
There will be a newsletter and RSS feed soon.